Volume 1, Year 2015

 14-16 April 2015

4/14 Summit China

20-24 April 2015

Asia Pacific Youth Congress
Bali, Indonesia

September 2015

TW 2020 African Summit
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

12-16 October 2015

TW 2020 Global Leadership Summit

17-20 October 2015

TW 2020 Middle East Summit


New Transform World Website

We have just revamped our new Transform World website! Click this link to visit our website.

Vision for the year of 2015 for Transform World 2020 Movement

The God given vision for the year for the Transform World 2020 Movement is to catalyze and connect God’s servants by conference calls like this one we are having today, through focused gatherings and by means of electronic communications in order to work together in our city, nation, region and world in our respective, spheres, mountains or domains of cultural influence on God’s mission of transformation resulting in a transformational movement in response to the major challenges that they are facing.

Celebration Challenge’s Updates

There are several exciting new developments for the Celebration Challenge. Click this link to read some reports and explanations of these developments. 

The Mystery of Job

Every time I read the challenging book of Job, I am struck by the way the book ends. Job starts out as the “the greatest of all the men of the east” (Job 1: 3), is brought low as God and Satan contend for his faith, swings between bitterly attacking God for His seeming unfairness and humbly accepting God as being above human judgment, and ends up being not only restored, but having twice as much as he had before. (Job 42: 10 and 12).

Asia Pacific Youth Congress 2015

Please click this link to get more information about Asia Pacific Youth Congress, which is going to be held in Indonesia on 20-24 April 2015.


Please click on this link to read prayer topic about transformation.

RESOURCES: Seeds of the Kingdom
A free daily devotional material: inspiration, encouragement, teaching and challenge from Ellel Ministries International.

RESOURCES : Transformation Resources and Training

Do you need any resources or training about transformation? Then you may consider inviting these leaders to come and share their insights.


 Transform World Connections

400 Orchard Road #07-01, Orchard Towers
Singapore 238875
Tel. (65) 6463 4695 Fax. (65) 6227 6084
International Facilitator: DR. Luis Bush
Chairman : Ps. Djohan Handojo
General Secretary: Ps. Harun
Website: www.transform-world.net
Email: info@transform-world.net

Contact Person:

Ps. Harun (harun@bcs.org.sg)
Ana Herlina (ana@bcs.org.sg)
Luis Bush – Servant Catalyst
72 White Oak Circular, Saint Charles,
IL60174-4165, U.S.A




Transform World e-Newsletter :: January 2015
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