Transform World/BSH South Asia Conference
The next Transform World/BSH South Asia Conference will be held from 11-15 April 2023 in Hyderabad, India. Please email transformsouthasia2023@gmail.com for more information about the event.
The next Transform World/BSH South Asia Conference will be held from 11-15 April 2023 in Hyderabad, India. Please email transformsouthasia2023@gmail.com for more information about the event.
Lean into Chaos-It’s Often Where God is Greatly at Work
Fight or flight are two common physical and mental responses to stress. Fight. We face the threat head on, ready to engage in battle. Flight. We run from the threat, escaping it and finding a place of safety.
Fight or flight are two common physical and mental responses to stress. Fight. We face the threat head on, ready to engage in battle. Flight. We run from the threat, escaping it and finding a place of safety.
Six Signs of a Missionary Growth Mindset
Maybe you are not sure whether your mindset is fixed or geared towards growth. Click “here” to read four signs you might have a fixed mindset as a missionary.
Maybe you are not sure whether your mindset is fixed or geared towards growth. Click “here” to read four signs you might have a fixed mindset as a missionary.
Salvation is not simply a one-time act of being saved from our sins of the past. Paul states that there is a destiny of perfection that must compel believers to press on toward the fullness of Christ and His glory.

Transform World Connections
400 Orchard Road #07-01, Orchard Towers
Singapore 238875
Tel. (65) 6463 4695 Fax. (65) 6227 6084
International Facilitator TW2033: Ps. Ricardo Luna
General Secretary: Elder John Hur
Website: www.transform-world.net
Contact Person:
Ps. Harun (harun@bcs.org.sg)
John Hur (hurs21@gmail.com)
Transform World e-Newsletter:: March 2023